Enable Repeating Keys in VS Code on macOS

# VS Code
defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
# VS Code - Insiders
defaults write com.microsoft.VSCodeInsiders ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false


  1. Run the first command above to enable repeating keys in VS Code
  2. If you use VS Code Insiders, run the second command as well
  3. You may need to restart VS Code, but repeating keys should now be enabled


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Hey, I'm Andrew 👋

I'm a senior product engineer at Podia, co-host of Remote Ruby and Ruby for All, and co-editor of Ruby Radar. You can explore my writing, learn more about me, or subscribe to my RSS feed.

Page Info

27 February 2022
27 February 2022
Reading Time:
1 min read
